Sweet Delicacies

Our portfolio includes loads of sweet stuff both from Finland and abroad. To help you choose we devided them in four categories. Or selection changes all the time but we aim to keep the most popular classics in stock. All products have no preservatives or additives.

Jams, Preserves and Marmalades

Jams, Preserves and Marmalades

Everybody loves jams, preserves and marmelades... which one is your favourite?

Sweet cookies and snacks

Sweet cookies and snacks

Our selection includes a variety of delicacies for those with a sweet tooth! Our customers love Italian cookies and cantuccinis. 

Sweets & Candy

Sweets & Candy

Great products for those with a sweet tooth! We are happy to present sweets of all sorts. Something for everyone. 

Heavenly Chocolates

Heavenly Chocolates

Who doens't love chocolates? We certainly do. We carry Kanelimamma &  Chjoko from Helsinki, Finland & some Italian favourites.